A Quarterly Rosicrucian Online Magazine
Bible, Philosophy and Astrology
Summer Edition 2004
Carl Louis F. Grasshoff
( 1865-1919)
Founder of the Rosicrucian Fellowship
"Truth, like a golden thread, binds together all the religions that have been given to the world, making of them a crystal rosary through which shines the eternal White Light of the Cosmic Christ."
- Corinne Heline
ROSE CROSS is a Rosicrucian Online Magazine created and supported by Students of the Rosicrucian Teachings and dedicated to promote the Ageless Wisdom . It is related to The Rosicrucian Fellowship but not formally affiliated with it. It is not an official website of The Rosicrucian Fellowship .
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Mystic Light
by Manly P. Hall
- Rays from the Rose Cross, September/October 2000
Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins
by Manly P. Hall
From Lectures on Ancient Philosophy—An Introduction to
the Study and Application of Rational Procedure:
The Hall Publishing Company, Los Angeles, First Edition 1929, Chapter 19
Why and how did Separation arise from Unity?
by Jeff Auen
THE ANCIENT OF DAYS ( Ilustration by William Blake for his poetic work "Europe", 1794) ; Relief etching with watercolor, 23.3 x 16.8 cm; British Museum, London
Kent Lorimer
-Rays from the Rose Cross, July/August 2002
Early Representatives of the Rose Cross
by Anne Barkhurst
- Rays from the Rose Cross, July/August, 2003
A Meditation
by Arline D. Cramer
- Rays from the Rose Cross, November/December, 1997
Exploring the Origins of Rosicrucianism
by Minnie Hotaling
-Rays from the Rose Cross, July/August,1998
- Rays from the Rose Cross, September/October 1999
by A Student
- Rays from the Rose Cross, November 1956
Peace: A Legend of the Golden Rod
by Corinne Heline
( Picture by Frater Velado)
- Rays from the Rose Cross, September/October 2000
Reader's Questions
Will you give me some information concerning the Manichee?
The Cross and Roses Meditation
What is the meditation on the black cross and the seven roses?
- Rays from the Rose Cross, September/October 2003
The Autumn Equinox - Its Spiritual Significance
by Corinne Heline
- Rays from the Rose Cross, September/October 1997
The Devolution and Evolution of Astrology
by Manly P. Hall
Paracelsus Performing the Experiment of Palengenesis
"Palengenesis [ roughly equivalent to Rebirth ] is the resurrection of the soul from the material organism. The human body is the Hermetic bottle . By palengenesis, however, the spiritual elements can be reassembled by alchemical art and the Three of Life caused to grow again within the human nature."
- Rays From The Rose Cross, July, 1959
From the Rosicrucian apologist's book Svmmvm Bonvm, The Highest Good, which first appeared in 1629 in German.
by Robert Fludd
Portrait de Robert Fludd
(1574 - 1637,)
- Rays from the Rose Cross , January-February, March-April & May-June 1997
Early Rosicrucian and Occult Symbolism
by Charles Weber
- Rays from the Rose Cross, May-June 2000
The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreuz
Johan Valentin Andreae (1586-1654)
- Rays from the Rose Cross, May/June ,1997.
A Discovery of the Fraternity of
the Most Laudable Order of the Rosy Cross
Introduction by Alexandre David
Click here to go to start of the article.
by Alexandre David
The Polish Rider ( Painting by Rembrandt, 1655) A tradition states that this is a portrait of the mysterious Rosicrucian Adept the Comte de Saint Germain, believed to have been an incarnation of Christian Rosenkreutz.
Click here to go to start of the article.
New Birth Through Regeneration
by Corinne Heline
This is the first Part of Chapter XII from Corinne Heline's book "OCCULT ANATOMY AND THE BIBLE" published by New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Boulevard , Santa Monica, CA, 90403. Her complete works are available through this Esoteric Center.
by Corinne Heline
- Rays from the Rose Cross, May/June 2003
The Three Degrees of Discipleship
by Corinne Heline
-Rays from the Rose Cross , November/December 2002
From Corinne Heline's New Age bible Interpretation, Vol. VI, published by New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, founded by the author, Corinne Heline.
Discipleship - The Five Followers - The Fellowship Degree
by Corinne Heline
Part 1 ( Pages 1 to 3 ) -Rays from the Rose Cross, January/February 2003
Part 2 (Pages 4 to 7 ) -Rays from the Rose Cross, March/April 2003
The second and third of this four-part of study, begun in the November-December 2002 Rays, considers the five disciples belonging to the second or Fellowship degree of Discipleship.
From Max Heindel's Writings
Max Heindel (1865 -1919)
Picture by Frater Velado
Christian Rosenkreuz and the Order of Rosicrucians
The Symbolism of the Rose Cross
The Aquarian Age and the Second Advent by Max Heindel
Aphorisms from Max Heindel Writings
The Star of Bethlehem : A Mystic Fact
The Astronomical Allegories of the Bible
About Max Heindel and The Rosicrucian Fellowship
by Ger Westenberg
Click here to go to start of the CHRONOLOGY.
The Essenes Who Changed Churchianity
Rays from the Rose Cross magazine, October 1959.
Click here to start the article
by Jeff Auen
Click here to start the selected articles
The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception
Mystic Christianity
Click here to go to start of the book
Poetry & Essays by Elsa M. Glover
Picture by Frater Velado
Veteran Rosicrucian Fellow Elsa M. Glover, Ph.D , has passed to the Superior Cosmic Planes at 26 th of June, 2003..
Elsa M. Glover graduated from the University of Rochester with a bachelor of science degree in physics and went on to study at Purdue University. She graduated from Purdue with both a master's degree and a Ph.D. in physics, and she was a professor of physics at Stillman College. Ms. Glover had also studied scientific astrology and Christian mysticism for many years. The author wrote and lectured widely on such subjects as science and religion, astrodiagnosis and Aquarian conflict resolution.
Poetry & Essays by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Bible : Wonder Book of the Ages
by Corinne Heline
Blavatsky and the Secret Doctrine
by Carl Louis F. Grasshoff ( Max Heindel)
Picture from The Worlds of Gilbert Williams
by Elisabeth Ray
This article was given as a Chapel talk in September 2002 .
Rays from the Rose Cross magazine, September-October 2003.
Click here to start the article
Christ is the Divine Messenger
Published in RAYS FROM THE ROSE CROSS (May-Jun 2003)
Click here to start the article
Defending Human Rights Worldwide
Written on the wall of a church in
Germany, attributed to St. Germain
Ye call me Master and obey me not.
Ye call me Light and see me not.
Ye call me the Way and walk it not.
Ye call me Right and desire it not.
Ye call me Wise and follow me not.
Ye call me Fair and love me not.
Ye call me Eternal and seek me not.
Ye call me Gracious and trust me not.
Ye call me Just and fear me not.
We give you Love, 'tis all we've got.
For Love unties the Gordian Knot.
--Rays from the Rose
Cross Magazine, March/April, 1996
Click here to visit the Rosicrucian Fellowship Official Web Site
ROSE CROSS is a Rosicrucian Online Magazine created and supported by Students of the Rosicrucian Teachings and dedicated to promote Rosicrucian Teachings and related subjects. It is related to The Rosicrucian Fellowship but not formally affiliated with it. It is not an official website of The Rosicrucian Fellowship .
This Website hosted for free by Tripod. We are not responsible by the banners at the top of our webpages.
FALL 2003
#6 SPRING 2004
#7 SUMMER 2004
EDITOR & WEB MASTER :Alexandre David
Web Ring